Saturday, March 12, 2016

Best Buy's private label brands

Electronic and computer equipment such as televisions, Blu-ray players and storage media. Considered the company's lower-end private brand.

Geek Squad
Best Buy's computer repair service. Flash drives are also sold under this name.

Storage products and furniture for home theaters. Seems to have gone mostly by the wayside; only two Init products (a table fan and a TV stand) currently show up on Best Buy's website.

Electronic equipment such as televisions, tablets and home theater systems. Considered the store's higher-end brand when compared to Dynex.

Headphones and accessories for cell phones, tablets and tablets. It has a focus on more "hip" designs.

Accessories for cell phones, laptops, tablets and digital cameras. Considered Best Buy's high-end accessory brand.

Primarily focused on cables for home theater systems, but also makes gaming and mobile phone accessories.