TVPad is a set-top box that delivers many Asia-based channels to oversea televisions. However, these channels are distributed without license, and are therefore illegal. In March 2015, DISH Network along with Chinese channels CCTV, CICC and TVB sued TVPad for unauthorized streaming and distribution, and in September 2015, Korean networks Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation, Seoul Broadcasting System and Korean Broadcasting System and successfully won $65 million in a similar lawsuit against TVPad. Since then, TVPad's official websites have been shut down, service has been spotty, and a promotional sale was held, possibly as a last effort to dump as much stock as possible on customers unaware of the company's ongoing problems.
At this time, it is unknown whether TVPad will consider to push on, but users at a popular TVPad forum are finding workarounds to the spotty service. Given the legal problems however, it only seems like a matter of time before TVPad are forced to shut down their servers.