Perhaps better known for sprouting the "fur" on Chia Pets, chia seeds are also a superfood that can provide many health benefits. Among these many benefits are claims that chia seeds can aid with weight loss, but can they? Though many people claim that they do, scientific research seems to suggest otherwise. The reason many believe chia seeds can help weight loss is due to its high fiber content. Chia seeds are able to absorb 12x their own weight in water, so even a small amount could expand in your stomach and cause you to feel fuller, and therefore eat less as a response. However, studies have shown they don't have effect on body weight.
Regardless, chia seeds are still a valuable addition to your diet. They are loaded with nutrients - a single ounce has 5 grams of protein, 11 grams of fiber, 5 grams of Omega-3 fatty acids and 20% the recommended daily value of calcium, as well as a lot of antioxidants. Not only can chia seeds improve your health, but they can also provide a boost of energy - which could help with weight loss, albeit indirectly.