Friday, March 23, 2018

Are Hailey Baldwin and Alec Baldwin related?

Model Hailey Baldwin is the niece of actor Alec Baldwin. Her father Stephen Baldwin is the youngest of the four Baldwin brothers, while her uncle Alec Baldwin is the oldest. The remaining two brothers are Daniel Baldwin and William Baldwin. Actor Adam Baldwin is sometimes mistaken to be one of the brothers, but is not related to the family.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

What does P.E.K.K.A stand for?

The P.E.K.K.A is a troop from the mobile game Clash of Clans and its spinoff Clash Royale. Officially, the letters in P.E.K.K.A doesn't actually stand for anything and thus the name doesn't have any meaning. Supercell, the company that developed the Clash games, held a contest on August 22nd, 2012 to see who would be able to come up with the best full-form name for P.E.K.K.A, with the winner being "Perfect Enraged Knight Killer of Assassins." Perhaps not coincidentally, Pekka is a popular male name in Finland, where Supercell is based, and may have inspired the name for their character.