WWE wrestler Sin Cara was initially played by Luis Urive, better known by his ring name Mistico, when the character debuted in April 2011. After Urive was suspended for violating WWE's Wellness policy that August, the company began using another wrestler named Hunico to portray Sin Cara. When Urive was reinstated, this was worked into a new storyline, with Urive portraying the original Sin Cara and Hunico playing an impostor who was trying to steal the Sin Cara identity. A real-life situation from both wrestlers' past was also worked into the story - both had used the named Mistico in the past, but Urive won the legal rights to the name in 2005, forcing Hunico to use a different name. This would be Hunico's reason for trying to steal the Sin Cara identity. The rivalry culminated in a Mask vs. Mask match during an October episode of Smackdown, in which Urive's Sin Cara won, and Hunico unmasked.
The remainder of Urive's time in WWE would be marred by injuries, so much so that Hunico actually began wrestling as the character again. Urive left WWE in January 2014, and took the Sin Cara character with him to other promotions, despite the fact that WWE was still using Hunico as Sin Cara at the time. Urive would eventually begin using other ring names such as Myzteziz, Caristico and his pre-WWE name, Mistico. Hunico meanwhile, still wrestles as Sin Cara.